Monday, October 19, 2020

HYDROGLYPHICS: Water in Motion



Is all water sacred? Here in Taos, New Mexico where we maintain a 400-year-old system of acequias to water our crops and replenish our aquifers, many people consider water sacred: Taos Pueblo and our Hispano population, many of whom says, "No agua, no vida," (No water, no life.) And "La vida es sagrada," (Life is sacred).

In times of crisis we try to pull together, to honor the sacred, to care for the land, the animals, and all living creatures. Now, in the midst of a global pandemic, deep into megadrought, with the wildlands on fire and smoke smothering our valley, we pray for rain. We send up prayers for all people to come together and help one another, to honor life. 

Shawn Nevins and I published Hydroglyphics: Reflections on the Sacred, a book of his poetry and my photos, in 2019. Shawn lives in the Bay Area and I live in Taos, New Mexico. I had planned to have a book reading and signing for us both in Taos in June, but then Covid 19 struck and we were in lockdown. So our mutual artistic effort was never celebrated. This pandemic may not be over soon, so I plan to invite Shawn to join me in an online reading sponsored by SOMOS (Society of the Muse of the Southwest) where we can share our efforts with the public.

I will post the date as soon as we have it set. 

Hope to see you there!

Meanwhile, you can preview our book in my video.



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